Presented by Ladan Davallow, MD
Child Blood Sugar Expert 
Presented by Ladan Davallow, MD
Child Blood Sugar Expert
How Caring Parents of Children with Diabetes
Break Free from Chasing Blood Sugars

….  So that they Can Cut the Risk of Complications in Half,
See Less "Yo-yo" Sugars with Scary Lows & 
Get Back to Having Happy Kids Again
How Caring Parents of Children with Diabetes Break Free From Chasing Blood Sugars

...So they can: 
✔️Cut the Risk of Complications in Half, 
✔️See Less "Yo-yo" Sugars with Scary Lows,
✔️ Get Back to Having Happy Kids Again! 
In this Masterclass, I’ll share:
  • A common mistake parents make when managing their child's diabetes (and what to do instead) 
  • ​New Discovery shows a smarter way to manage your child’s blood sugars that addresses the root cause
  • ​Proven strategies to help parents lower stress, overwhelm and finally sleep at night without constant worry
About Your Host
Ladan Davallow, MD is an experienced and highly rated ivy-league trained blood sugar expert, certified coach and busy mom. 

She is best known for helping parents help their child with diabetes achieve and maintain target blood sugars that gets to the root cause.

Over the past few years, she has perfected her 3-step proven system and inside this free training, she reveals exactly how it all works.
In this Masterclass, I’ll share:
  • A common mistake parents make when managing their child's diabetes (and what to do instead)
  • ​New Discovery shows a smarter way to manage your child’s blood sugars that addresses the root cause
  •  Proven strategies to help parents lower stress, overwhelm and finally sleep at night without constant worry
About Your Host
Ladan Davallow, MD is an experienced and highly rated ivy-league trained blood sugar expert, certified coach and mom.

She is best known for helping parents help their child with diabetes achieve and maintain target blood sugars that gets to the root cause.

Over the past few years, she has perfected her 3-step proven system and inside this free training, she reveals exactly how it all works.
Our families Love working with Dr. Davallow: 


"Our daughter's time in range has doubled and is continuing to improve, we are more confident in analyzing her CGM data for patterns and being able to think through solutions to issues we still face. We have a much better understanding of how internal and external factors can affect blood sugars beyond just carbohydrate counts"
- Jennifer, T1D mom

"We started having days where she would remain 80% in range, something I knew I couldn't have achieved...I am more calm and I know that helps my little one feel more at ease..
the less stress the better her sugars and the better her mindset will be"
-Lizzie, T1D mom

"Dr Davallow is absolutely amazing. She didnt discount any of my concerns, she listened and was so empathetic"
-Emma, T1D mom

"She's amazing (Dr. Davallow) and a GREAT Resource. She's really calm, non-judgmental with a problem-solving mind...she's a mom herself and can empathize and relate to the crazy life we have with 3 school-aged kids, one with diabetes, trying to achieve better blood sugars for our child that has T1D"
-Jennifer, T1D mom

Our families Love working with Dr. Davallow:

"Our daughter's time in range has doubled and is continuing to improve, we are more confident in analyzing her CGM data for patterns and being able to think through solutions to issues we still face. We have a much better understanding of how internal and external factors can affect blood sugars beyond just carbohydrate counts"
- Jennifer, T1D mom

"We started having days where she would remain 80% in range, something I knew I couldn't have achieved...I am more calm and I know that helps my little one feel more at ease..
the less stress the better her sugars and the better her mindset will be"
-Lizzie, T1D mom

"Dr Davallow is absolutely amazing. She didnt discount any of my concerns, she listened and was so empathetic"
-Emma, T1D mom

"She's amazing (Dr. Davallow) and a GREAT Resource. She's really calm, non-judgmental with a problem-solving mind...she's a mom herself and can empathize and relate to the crazy life we have with 3 school-aged kids, one with diabetes, trying to achieve better blood sugars for our child that has T1D"
-Jennifer, T1D mom

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